Tyler Berkich has lived in over 12 different states, but was born right outside Seattle. After first discovering his passion for solving problems and puzzles in a Legend of Zelda video game, he transitioned into the workforce after graduating Magna Cum Laude with his Bachelors' of Science in Psychology at Arizona State University into an entry level Operations role. He put his skillset and understanding of people to work at a boutique ad agency in New York City.
During this time and throughout college, Tyler had been volunteering as a Guardian Ad Litem, representing at-risk youth within the foster care system and was looking for a way to merge his two passions within a career - working with kids, and problem solving. Tyler then turned down a promotion and instead left to begin his work in education at a charter school in Bed Stuy Brooklyn. His drive for operational excellence, respect for the instructional process and dedication to educational equity saw him become the non-instructional leader in his school building in just a year and a half.
After four years at his Middle School (go Mustangs!), he decided to return back to his first home here in Seattle to be close to his family and be a part of the inspiring Impact organization. Tyler cannot wait to dedicate his experience, time and energy to serving the Salish Sea community by creating the ideal framework to foster scholar growth and expression.